Today Salah times in Bradford UK, Fajar starts time 05:59, Zuhar Starts at 12:56, Asar starts at 16:15, Magrib Starts at 18:14 and isha starts time is 19:04. (Tuesday 15_10_2024), Bradford BD9 5DU.Today Prayers times, Fajar: 05:59, Zuhar: 12:56, Asar: 16:15, Magrib: 18:14 and isha starts time is 19:04.(Tuesday 15_10_2024)
Bradford UK BD9 5DU Sunrise:07:34 /
Leeds UK Sunrise:07:33 /
Pakistan Gujrat Doga sharif Sunrise:06:07 /
Pakistan Mirpur AK Sunrise:06:08 /
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